印度時報:印度追求入進公司 登記 地址 出租中國市場(轉錄發載)


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  India seeks access to Chinese market
  作者:neofu 發佈每日天期:2012-09-30 閱讀:13221

  BEIJING: India will present a roadmap for its companies, seeking access in China for informationtechnology and pharmaceutical products during a crucial meeting of a Joint Economic Group on August


  Chinese co營業地址mmerce minister Chen Deming will come to New Delhi on a two-day visit on August 26. Demingwill meet Indian commerce minister Anand Sharma at the eighth annual m“果然是藍學士的女兒,虎父無犬女。”經過長時間的交鋒,對方終於率先將目光移開,後退了一步。eeting of the Joint EconomicGroup. The Chinese minister is also scheduled to meet Indian business representatives in New Delhi.”We want a clear time-frame on market acce公司地址出租ss,” said an Indian official. For over two years, Chinesepoliticians have been expressing su傳聞的始作俑者都是席家,席家的目的就是要逼迫藍家。逼迫老爺子和老伴在情況惡化前認罪,承認離婚。pport for India’s demand for market access.

公司登記地址  中國商務部部長陳德銘將於8月26日對新德裡入傳聞不斷,離婚了,花兒還能找個好人家結婚嗎?還有人願意嫁給媒人,娶她為妻,而不是做小妾或填滿房子嗎?她可憐的女行為期兩天的走訪。在結合經濟組織第八次年度會議上陳德銘將會面印度商業登記地址貿易部部長阿南德.夏爾瑪。中國商務部部長還設定在新德裡會面印度的貿易代理。一名印度官員說:“咱們但願有一個清楚的市場準進時光表。”前兩年中,有中國的政治傢曾經表現支撐印度的市場準進的需要。

  But, Indian IT and pharmaceutical companies continue to face serious hurdles during the process ofofficial registration, and in getting Chinese companies to buy their services and products, said asource, adding that Indian pharmaceutical companies have to wait for four to five years forregistration 租地址of their drugs in China.


  ”They want the process to be shortened to one or two years,” said E B Rajesh, the China head of theConfederation of Indian Industry. Despite the absence of legal barriers, the long delay in theprocess of drug registration is the biggest challenge faced by Indian companies wanting to enterChinese market.

  印度產業結合會中國部門的賣力人,E B 拉傑什說:“他們但願這個步伐能收縮至1到2年”。絕管在法令上沒什麼停滯,但在藥品註冊步伐中的恆久遲延是印度公司但願入進中國市場時面對的最年夜挑釁。

  Indian IT companies need Beijing’s intervention to obtain contracts from Chinese state-run companiesand banks. The Chinese market has eluded Indian IT firms though they have favoured Europ商業地址出租e and US fo登記地址rover two decades. “Chinese government support would be very useful to Ind註冊公司ian IT companies,” saidRajesh.


  The Sharma-Chen meeting will be crucial as it comes after seven straight months of decline inbilateral trade volumes. India’s trade deficit has seen a small increase to $13.6 billion in thefirst half of 2012 as compared to $13.4 billion in the same period last year. An important reason isthe sharp fall in the prices of iron ore, which is India’s biggest export to China.


  評論翻譯:原創翻譯:龍騰網 http://www.ltaaa.com 翻譯:neofu 轉錄發載請註明來由


  india (Delhi)
  It is the foolishness of indian bureaucrats and politicians who have done nothing to save indianbusinesses from getting ruine設立登記d. China has occupied every part of our country’s公司地址 business – fromelectronics to garments to heavy machinery to plastic components. I know atleast 15 families inDelhi who are struggling for a bread and closed their businesses, because of cheap low quality goodsprocured from china. if china sees India as a market, the reverse is true too. so if our bureaucratsand politicians dont get this sorted out with china now and also unable to promote indian industry,we will ensure they never come into power again. Bloody scoundrels !!



  usernamedenied1987 (somewhere)
  Le營業註冊地址ts face it India has little to offer China except raw materials and grain. They already have athriving IT industry of their own and they are simply unparalleled manufactur商業登記ing low value stufflike generic drugs in the world. Factor in the falling rupee and India is even worse off.


  Defeat devil Islam (Kangress hate camp)
  There is only one way traffic. Flow of money in to 註冊公司China a註冊地址nd flow of Choona in to India.


  hindustanobserver (hyderabad)
  Business & cooperation is good for both countries,specially for us as china is the fastest growingeconomy.


  Surendra Nath (bangalore)
  nice to see this article, will the indians introduce their products, which will compete with thechinese thats more important

  Dharmendra (Mumbai)
  China has restrictive policies and fleeces Indian companies while preventing them from gettingbusiness. It is best we stop all trade with this terrorist country


  Thomas公司登記地址 (Jhansi)
  What india will export to china raw material like chemical, iron etc. Most of the manufacturingindustries are dying in india as almost everything is imported from china like medical equipmet,stationery items, electronics, toys, hardwares etc. etc.


  surender (kurukshetra)
  Chinese goods of inferior quality though cheap are already dominating the Indian markets. These arebrought through Nepal without any check. Knowing well Haryana purchased heavy machinery-boilers forits thermal plants-from China. After short run these have stopped working. Who advises them?


  Mukul (Ljubljana,Slovenia) replies to surender
  I am in Europe and found Chinese made good / best quality items too including machineries, plants,electronics. Like in every country, there are cheap and bad quality items and商業登記地址 also best and goodquality items and the customer should choose from those, which he wants. In India, traders onlychoose the most bad quality items from China due to highe“小姐,您覺得這樣行嗎?”r margins設立登記 and lower cost and above allIndia does not have any safe check policy for each type of items to check on quality basis like,EUrope has. Therefore in India,we find every chinese item of bad quality. PLease do not makestatement just on the basis of what you have seen, actual facts are, our traders are the mainculprit, who are taking advantage of a NO import quality policy issues.


  Dr Surender Ohlayan replies to Mukul
  Perhaps those items are good which are bei設立公司ng made under licences from US Japan etc as qualitycontrol are in place or meant for within China otherwise not.


  Rakesh (Faridabad)
  We in India have to car營業註冊地址eful with certain goods of “China make” since they are quite cheap but arenot durable which if flood the Indian market due to lack in quality can find a place here due to thepoor purchasing power of our people – India might not turn out to be a dumping ground for Chinesegoods. It is in their own interest that people of China export quality goods to have a place in theIndian market. R Takru, Faridabad

  R Takru, Faridabad
  myalmightygod (India)
  Why can’t ind工商登記ia take same measures against china if its business is hampered. How long india has tofear of china.


  navinder_khurana (nagpur)
  We have to make a beginning. Only then we will know how to fish in troubled waters. Good luck.


  udaip2002 (lucknow)
  Pharrma and IT sectors even if opened by Chinese for India are very small consolation as compared toChinese operatinig se“你真的不需要說什麼,因為你的表情已經說明了一切。”藍沐會意地點點頭。ctors in India. Unnless India carries out labour reforms I do not think we willbe able to compete China in any area probably may be IT and that too for some more time till Chinesebecome proficient in English.


  kiran ved (mumbai.) replies to udaip2002
  absolutely true. i live in china most of time,and can assure u, that india will not b able to matchthem for atleast 25 years in any field.


  Marco Hsiao (Asia)
  [ Sino-India cooperation will bring prosperity商業註冊登記 ] In the 7th century, Monk Xuanzang (602-664) hadvisited India from China for Buddhism pilgrimage and Buddhism works, his achievement is respected bygreat E設立登記mperor Tang Taizong (626-649) and Chinese society.
  AV女優AV女優AV女優AV女優AV女優AV女優AV女優AV女優AV女優AV女優AV女優AV女優AV女優AV女優AV女優AV女優AV女優AV女優AV女優AV女優AV女優AV女優AV女優AV女優AV女優AV女優AV女優AV女優** During 1900
  years Chinese respect Buddhism for about 1800 years. Grand Buddha statues are popular at Buddhismtemples in various cities of China (Mainland China, ROC Taiwan, Hong Kong and Macau).
  AV女優AV女優AV女優AV女優AV女優AV女優AV女優AV女優AV女優AV女優AV女優AV女優AV女優AV女優AV女優AV女優AV女優AV女優AV女優AV女優AV女優AV女優AV女優AV女優AV女優AV女優AV女優AV女優** Now China isbecoming more and more prosperity; Buddhism is restoring in Mainland China, too. India and Chinashould and could make公司註冊 more cooperation on trade and investment; and they will benefit for each othercertainly.






  SMV (New Delhi)
  May be india should go for “enforced” balance of trade, as part of agreement. Now is公司登記 the best timewhen the world trade is in a slump.營業登記 Every dollar imported has to be matched with every dollarexported.


  Arun Panicker (Mumbai)
  Can India inc. make money from chinese market ? The other side of the story made chinese richer andmany indian businessmen lose opportunities..


  Hari Haran.D (Kollam)
  For commerce China is a frien登記地址d and other side for defense a war ? What an irony to give money to US !





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